Grokking Technology
Arch Linux 20210425
Over the years I have used almost every significant Linux distribution available: either in work or at home. Check out DistroWatch for information on many of these and lots more distributions. More th…
Bash Hackery 20210425
This is a cunning one I discovered today thanks to someone called vino. If you are a bash geek, you will already know this and, no doubt, use it every day; sadly I don’t hack on bash that often. Strip…
A Cautionary Tale 20210425
On Friday, we were asked to review a technical problem a neighbour was experiencing. It turned out that a MySQL server had somehow corrupted its data-file during a power-cycle. Although the user thoug…
Document Version Numbering in Latex 20210130
How useful would it be to include a document version that can increment itself every-time the document file is updated into a subversion repository. Being able to show a revision number on selected pa…
Dynamic CSS in Django 20210130
or a while I have been thinking of having my Django sites include CSS styling from a database; for instance having different themes that can be switched on and off at will. It took me a while - with s…
Home Sweet Home (in 3D) 20210130
Actually, what prompted me to upgrade my system recently was Sweet Home 3D. This is a Java application suggested on ILUG (pointing to as a tool to help design floor layouts; other CAD-like …
IPv6 on openSuSE 20210130
We are fortunate to have several of our servers hosted by [Hetzner] in their data centres in southern Germany. Since 2009, all Hetzner systems could have IPv6 connectivity, all you had to do was ask f…
Listing Databases in Postgres 20210425
When working with an SQL database, especially in a development environment, it is easy to lose track of which databases are in which instance. MySQL has a really convenient way of listing its database…
Multiple Monitors on XFCE4 20210130
If you have configured so that your display spans multiple monitors, usually when you login to an XFCE session, it will appear as if your monitors are simple clones of one another. You can use a…
Oracle XE on SuSE 20210130
Today it became necessary to deploy Oracle XE on a new SuSE system. This did not seem a big deal; we had already deployed a version of Oracle 10g XE on SuSE 10.2 quite a while back and as far as I rem…
Passing CBV data to a Form 20210130
I have just started working with Django, building an example application to find my way through the framework. Django seems to be more dynamic than I expected and the web is full of answers to questio…
plpgsql: INSERT data using RECORD 20210130
When inserting records into an SQL database using a existing table as a source usually means we need to know and specify the column structure of the target table. If we are trying to do this using a s…
Configuring postfix to relay through Gmail 20210425
You have created a server somewhere and you would like it to send you emails so you can monitor various services; or perhaps your new server has a web site you would like to be able to email users but…
Restoring Tabs from Sync 20210130
I keep forgetting how to do this and searching for the answer on the web just leads you down a horrible twisty maze of passages all looking the same. Your Google-Chrome session has become discombobula…
Running an X-app without an X-server 20210130
Hmm, I suppose this sounds like a really daft thing to do - why would you want to run a graphics application on a system without a GUI? Here are a few use cases: In my particular case I needed to run …
Storing Plone users in an SQL database 20210425
In the past, a couple of Plone sites we have built had large numbers of users for whom it was easier to store their details in an SQL Backend rather than Plone itself. When it came to bringing one of …
Subversion Versioning 20210130
When working with a version control repository, it is often useful to know what version of script we are working on or - in a production environment - which version we are actively using. Subversion p…
SuSE 11.3 Multi-head 20210130
On Thursday, I decided to upgrade from OpenSuse 11.2 to 11.3. I was highly suspicious that this would work so bundled up all my important documents, systems, settings & whatever and stored them sa…
Web Page Performance 20210130
It can be really difficult trying to quantify what a “slow website” really means. Its easy to spot a slow site but arriving at some metric that helps you monitor attempts at improving performance or b…
ZPsycopgDA and no commits 20210425
I discovered the solution to this problem a couple of months ago. Goodness knows how I happened upon it but today the same thing occurred. Of course, I had forgotten about the solution, fretting for s…